Village Head plays an Important Role

During the question and answer session, the Minister of Home Affairs said village heads play an important role in assisting government agencies, especially the Ministry of Health.


The supports include registering the incapable residents to vaccination centres, distributing food rations and distributing ART kits for those listed under the National Welfare System, SKN and the Brunei Islamic Religious Council, MUIB.


Regarding online teaching methods, the Minister of Education explained that the change is due to the trend of declining students’ attendance and the result of the current coordination of teaching methods. Coordination was also made with the support of the COVID-19 Steering Committee Members.


The sharp increase in the number of cases and the logistical needs of workforce transportation are among the biggest challenges in the delivery of food rations. The Minister of Culture, Youth And Sports said from February to March 2022, food rations were distributed to 12,201 houses.


During the question and answer session, the Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister of Finance and Economy also explained that the Government is working with several stakeholders to expedite the application and delivery of food rations. Such efforts include identifying those who really need help.



Source: Radio Television Brunei

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