Smooth Running of Haj Pilgrims Management

The close cooperation of all parties involved has enabled the smooth running of this year’s haj pilgrim’s management. The country’s haj pilgrims were able to perform the Manasik of Haj safely, peacefully and in an orderly manner. These include the the management of buses taking pilgrims to Arafah and Mina, improvement of facilities in Arafah and Mina such as air conditioning, cleaning services in Arafah and upgraded toilet facilities in Mina.


The excellent service was among the matters discussed during the meeting of Awang Haji Abdullah bin Haji Mohamad, Director of Haj Management, Ministry of Religious Affairs as Head of Brunei Darussalam Haj Pilgrims Management Office for this year’s haj season, with Ali Bondagjy, Head of MAKTAB 112 in Makkah. Awang Haji Abdullah hopes that the excellent service will continues and be further improved in the future. Meanwhile, Ali Bondagjy, Head of MAKTAB 112 described the management of the country’s pilgrims as the best and very organised. MAKTAB 112 also hopes that the ongoing cooperation will continue towards providing the best service to the haj pilgrims.



Source: Radio Television Brunei


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