Seoul Receives 600 Trash-Filled Balloons from North Korea Amid Tensions

SEOUL — In a provocative act, North Korea has launched approximately 600 balloons filled with trash into South Korea, as confirmed by Seoul's military. These balloons, detected since 8 p.m. Saturday, crossed the Military Demarcation Line and landed in Seoul and the surrounding areas of Gyeonggi Province. This action followed a previous incident earlier in the week when around 260 balloons carrying similar contents were sent over after North Korea threatened retaliation against anti-Pyongyang leaflets distributed by South Korean activists.

According to Philippines News Agency, the balloons were loaded with various waste materials, including cigarette butts, paper, and plastic bags. The military has issued warnings to the public advising against handling the balloons due to potential dangers and has deployed teams to safely recover the debris. The caution is underpinned by the unresolved risk that the balloons might contain toxic chemicals.

In response to the ongoing provocations, which also include GPS jamming and military drills by North Korea, the Seoul city government has established a 24-hour emergency center to manage the fallout from these balloon launches. Additionally, South Korea's National Security Council is scheduled to meet to discuss further responses to what is seen as an escalating series of hostile acts by the North.