Saving Water is Our Responsibility and Welcome Ramadhan

Water is not only a basic need in our daily lives, but water is also a requirement for matters of worship such as ablution, prayer, reading the Quran and the like. The importance of water is clearly felt at a time when it is difficult to be obtained. We need to be grateful and appreciate all the blessings that Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala has bestowed, especially the value of the blessings of water by taking measures to be frugal and responsible in the use of water to avoid wastefullness and excessive use of water. The matter was emphasised in yesterday’s Friday sermon titled ‘Berjimat menggunakan air tanggungjawab bersama dan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan’ or Saving Water is Our Responsibility and Welcome Ramadhan. The sermon also touched on the upcoming month of Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.


According to the imam or prayer leader, as the month of Ramadhan Al Mubarak approaches, let us prepare ourselves spiritually by improving our acts of worship such as firstly, increasing the number of sunnah prayers, reciting the Quran, zikir, iktikaf, qiamul ail and the like. Secondly, deepening our knowledge of the religion and thirdly, make up for missed Ramadhan fasts in this month so as not to be imposed with the fidyah payment.



Source: Radio Television Brunei


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