
‘Riya’ Destroys All Goodness’

?Riya’ or performing the acts of worship to be seen and praised by others is an action that is forbidden in Islam. Hence, every Muslim must avoid this to cleanse their heart and soul. This was among the content of the Friday Sermon titled Riya’ Destroys All Goodness. The sermon also shared a number of ways to treat or address riya’.

First is Mujahadah or making earnest efforts to rid ego and lust. Second is Muraqabah, paying attention to one’s actions and minding one’s own business. Three, repentance by seeking Allah’s forgiveness and determined not to repeat the sin again. Next, Tawaddu’, which is fulfilling Allah’s rights earnestly. Fifth is sincerity in performing acts of worship solely to seek Allah’s blessings. And lastly, be grateful for all the blessings given by Allah.

Source: Radio Television Brunei

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