Resolution Achieved in Two Negros Oriental Media Murder Cases, Third Pending

NEGROS ORIENTAL – Two out of three murder cases involving radio commentators in Negros Oriental have been resolved, according to the Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMS).

According to Philippines News Agency, Undersecretary Paul Gutierrez, PTFoMS executive director, announced the resolution of the cases against broadcasters Edmund Sestoso and Cornelio Pepino. The case of Dindo Generoso remains pending but is expected to conclude soon. These incidents occurred between 2018 and 2020 in the region’s capital.

Lawyer Hue Jyro Go, PTFoMS chief of staff, detailed during a press conference that Sestoso's case was closed following an affidavit of desistance by his family, attributed to a lack of witnesses. Sestoso, who was killed on April 30, 2018, was not targeted due to his journalistic work, as per the officials. In contrast, Pepino's death on May 5, 2020, was politically motivated, and with the principal suspect now deceased, this case too is considered resolved.

Generoso's murder, also described as politically motivated, is still under judicial review at a regional trial court. He was assassinated in November 2019 while en route to Bai Radio DYEM-FM.