
Premier Forum

?A Premier Forum on ‘Developing the Ummah’s Economy Through Internalising Muamalah’ was held on 24th October night, to increase understanding on the role of ‘Muamalah’ in the development of the ummah’s economy. The forum that took place in Gadong was in line with Wawasan Brunei 2035 that emphasised on dynamic economy.

In attendance was Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Khairuddin bin Haji Abdul Hamid, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy for Economy. During the forum, Associate Professor Doctor Abdul Nasir bin Haji Abdul Rani, Ra’es of Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College, KUPU SB underlined the role of tithe and endowment to improve the ummah’s economy. Meanwhile, Professor Doctor Abdul Somad Batubara from the Republic of Indonesia discussed on the application of syariah principles in the operational activities of syariah financial institutions.

Source: Radio Television Brunei

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