Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of Polish Archbishop Amid Abuse Cover-Up Allegations

SZCZECIN — In a significant move, Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Archbishop Andrzej Dziega of Szczecin-Kamien, Poland, who has been accused of failing to address allegations of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. The announcement came from the Vatican on Saturday, marking a critical development in the Catholic Church's ongoing struggle with sexual abuse scandals.

According to Philippines News Agency, the ecclesiastical jurisdiction representing the Holy See, "Holy Father Francis accepted the resignation of Archbishop Andrzej Dziega from serving as Archbishop Metropolitan of Szczecin-Kamien." Archbishop Dziega, 71, has been at the center of allegations stemming from a 2021 documentary by TVN24, which accused him of ignoring reports of child abuse by a priest within his archdiocese.

The documentary specifically named priest Andrzej Dymer, who passed away in 2021, as having committed acts of abuse dating back to 1995, with claims that Archbishop Dziega took no subsequent action to investigate or address these allegations. The case of Archbishop Dziega highlights ongoing concerns regarding the handling of abuse cases within the Catholic Church, as Polish media have repeatedly reported on alleged negligence and efforts to conceal the activities of pedophiles in the clergy.

This resignation underscores the Vatican's continued efforts to address and rectify instances of abuse and cover-up within the Church, following widespread criticism of its handling of such cases in the past. The decision to accept Archbishop Dziega's resignation reflects Pope Francis's commitment to confronting the legacy of abuse and ensuring accountability at all levels of the Church.