PNP Chief Orders Comprehensive Review of ‘Oplan Double Barrel’ Anti-Drug Campaign

MANILA — Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Gen. Rommel Francisco Marbil announced on Wednesday a detailed review of the 'Oplan Double Barrel' strategy, a cornerstone of the country's ongoing fight against illegal drugs.

According to Philippines News Agency, the review aims to assess the effectiveness of the strategy and recalibrate it in line with the government's revised anti-drug policies. "We need to take a hard look at our past and present strategies in the fight against illegal drugs. By understanding what worked and what didn't, we can refine our approach and ensure a more effective and humane campaign moving forward," he stated. The strategy, initially launched in 2016 under then PNP Chief Ronald Bato dela Rosa, has undergone several iterations, including a 'Reloaded' version in 2017 and a 'Finale Version' in 2022.

Gen. Marbil has formed a panel led by PNP Deputy Chief for Operations Lt. Gen. Michael John Dubria, with members drawn from various PNP directorates and offices, including operations, investigation, intelligence, community relations, the Internal Affairs Service, and the Human Rights Office. The panel is tasked with reviewing key components such as Project Tokhang, which involves house-to-house visits to encourage drug users to surrender, and Project High-Value Target, aimed at dismantling drug syndicates.

The review's findings, which will be outlined in a forthcoming memorandum, are expected to inform a recalibrated strategy that aligns with the Marcos administration's focus on justice and human rights in drug enforcement. Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. reinforced this stance, emphasizing legal adherence and human rights respect in drug war operations under the flagship 'Buhay Ingatan, Droga'y Ayawan' (BIDA) program.