Philippines to Apply ‘Mindoro Template’ for Oil Spill Claims in Bataan

QUEZON CITY - The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced plans to employ the 'Mindoro template' for addressing the recent oil spills in Bataan province, ensuring that affected residents and environmental areas receive compensation and that responsible parties are held accountable.

According to Philippines News Agency, the government's approach will mirror its response to the 2023 Mindoro oil spill, focusing on establishing liabilities and securing damages. This decision comes after three maritime incidents in Bataan, including the sinking of MT Terranova and MTKR Jason Bradley, and the grounding of MV Mirola 1, all occurring within close proximity over the last two weeks. Vasquez emphasized the importance of this template in an archipelagic nation where maritime accidents have historically been overlooked.

The DOJ has initiated a comprehensive fact-finding mission in collaboration with the Department of Environment and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to investigate these incidents, which Vasquez suggested might be interconnected. In parallel, the National Investigation Bureau is conducting an investigation to complement the ongoing environmental assessments.

The government is also set to pursue institutional claims alongside individual compensation for local fisherfolk and other affected parties. This includes claims from various government agencies involved in the response efforts, such as the PCG and Departments of Health, Tourism, Trade and Industry, and the Interior and Local Government. These efforts are coordinated to gather evidence for submission to the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund for reimbursement.

On-the-ground control measures for the oil spill are underway, with the PCG reporting that containment strategies, including the capping of valves on the MTKR Terranova and the deployment of oil spill booms and dispersants, are in place to mitigate environmental damage.

In addition, Cavite Governor Jonvic Remulla and other local officials, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, have initiated relief efforts for the fisherfolk impacted by the spill. Initial assistance has been provided to 1,612 beneficiaries in Barangay San Rafael IV, Noveleta, with Remulla declaring a state of calamity across multiple towns to expedite support and recovery.