Philippines Open to International Collaboration to Combat Cyber Threats

MANILA — Information and Communications Technology Secretary Ivan John Uy announced the Philippines' openness to collaborate with countries, including China, to combat cyber threats and hacking attempts on government websites. In a Palace press briefing, Uy acknowledged the challenges posed by cybercriminals operating globally and emphasized the importance of international cooperation in addressing cyber security issues.

According to Philippines News Agency, This stance comes in the wake of attempts by alleged Chinese hackers to infiltrate various Philippine government agencies. Uy revealed ongoing efforts to enhance cyber security measures and the development of the comprehensive National Cybersecurity Plan (NCP) for 2024-2028, aimed at strengthening the country's cyber defense capabilities. The plan includes initiatives for advanced threat assessment, capacity-building, and fostering a skilled cybersecurity workforce to meet the growing demand in the digital landscape. Additionally, Uy highlighted the DICT's commitment to ensuring the security of the digital national ID system, assuring that sensitive information remains protected against cyber threats.