Philippines Achieves Record Sales at China International Import Expo

Manila – The Philippines has achieved a milestone at this year's China International Import Expo (CIIE), with total sales reaching USD1.1 billion.

According to Philippines News Agency, this figure surpasses the Department of Trade and Industry's (DTI) target of USD700 million and sets a new record for the country's performance at the China expo. In the previous year, the Philippine pavilion at CIIE had reported sales of USD655 million.

CITEM, the export promotions arm of the DTI, detailed that of the total sales this year, USD900 million were from purchase agreements, while the remaining USD226 million comprised booked sales, sales under negotiation, retail sales, and business-matching activities. DTI Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo emphasized the importance of CIIE as a platform for showcasing top-selling Filipino food products and attracting potential Chinese investors, thereby creating new business opportunities and boosting the Philippine economy.

Held annually in China, the CIIE serves as a global stage for foreign enterprises aiming to tap into the world's largest market. This year, the Philippines' standout products at the fair included primary agricultural exports such as bananas, pineapples, specialty coffee, and durian. Notably, durian, often referred to as the 'king of fruits' and known for its strong aroma, gained access to the Chinese market this year.

Glenn Peñaranda, the commercial counselor at the Philippine Trade and Investments Center in Shanghai, highlighted the Philippine government's ongoing efforts to enhance export capacities to China through partnerships with Chinese enterprises. He emphasized the significance of a collaborative, whole-of-nation approach in export development, involving various sectors to strengthen the entire value chain.