Munajat Night Reflects on Day of Judgement with Community-wide Participation

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN — The 145th edition of Munajat Night, an initiative organized by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, took place on the night of August 3rd, featuring a reflective session on the Day of Judgement.

According to Radio Television Brunei, the event included a tazkirah (religious talk) that explored themes related to the Day of Judgement, resonating deeply with attendees. The session was led by Awang Muhammad Nur Aryan bin Ahmad Nur Dahlan, a member of the Nurul Islam Association and a participant in the 'Ikon Mualaf 2024' program. The gathering saw a diverse group of participants, including members from the Nurul Islam Association, youths from Mualaf As-Syahadah, An-Najihun group under the Islamic Da'wah Centre's Youth Religious Programme Secretariat, and takmir committee and congregants from the Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque. The event also connected attendees from various mosques, suraus, and religious halls nationwide, enhancing community engagement and spiritual reflection.