
Motorcycle Enthusiasts Complete 500-Kilometer Tour of Mindoro Island to Boost Tourism

Oriental Mindoro – In a significant push to promote tourism and unity between the two provinces on Mindoro Island, hundreds of motorcycle riders embarked on the 500-kilometer Mindoro Island Loop Motorcycle Adventour this Saturday. The event, which began at 5 a.m. from Oriental Mindoro, was designed to showcase the island’s attractions, as reported by Dhon Calda, the Oriental Mindoro Tourism officer.

According to Philippines News Agency, Participants in the event were not only challenged to complete the extensive loop but were also encouraged to visit and photograph various tourist spots along the way. “This Motorcycle Adventour is really part of our One Mindoro approach to tourism,” Calda explained to the Philippine News Agency. He highlighted the initiative’s aim to use social media to draw attention to local tourism by having riders document their journey and the attractions they visited.

The tour included stops in notable locations across both provinces of the island. In Oriental Mindoro, riders visited Puerto Galera, known as the province’s diving capital; the Oriental Mindoro Heritage and Cultural Center; and the Lisap Bridge in Bongabong town, which spans 365 meters. Meanwhile, in Occidental Mindoro, the itinerary featured stops in San Jose town, recognized as the American forces’ second landing site in the Philippines during World War II, and Abra de Ilog, a historic settlement established by Spanish missionaries in the early 17th century, among others.

Jude Cruz from Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, achieved the distinction of being the first to cross the finish line, completing the tour in five hours, 54 minutes, and 50 seconds. Calda noted that for some, the journey could extend up to 12 hours, underscoring the endurance required for such an undertaking.

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