Martabat Al-Quran

Brunei Darussalam is continuously implementing various initiatives towards upholding Al-Quran to obtain blessings and protection from Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala. The effort is in line with the country’s desire to become a zikir nation. In conjunction with the commemoration of Nuzul Al-Quran, the RTB News Centre brought a report on the country’s efforts in upholding the Quran.


The reign era of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam saw the publication of the Handwritten Mushaf Brunei Darussalam. Launched on 3rd October 1992 in conjunction with His Majesty’s Silver Jubilee Celebration Ascending to the Throne, the publication aims to be a celebration throughout His Majesty’s reign in continuing the assimilation of Islam in the country. This was followed by the publication of the Mushaf Brunei Darussalam and its Translation in 2014.


In the meantime, the country is also working on the publication of Mushaf Brunei Darussalam and its interpretation. It aims to explain the contents of the Quran with a language and presentation that is easily understood by the community in the country.


By having its own Mushaf, the country took steps to make Al-Quran the head of the procession to replace the mace carried during the convocation ceremony of institutions of higher learning. In addition, the country also pays important attention to Al-Quran and continues to uphold it through various programmes. This includes making the Quran a formal subject in the religious school system.


The establishment of Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Tahfiz Al-Quran Institute on 1st January 1993, is a national effort towards incorporating memorisation and learning of Al-Quran as its policy and core. Through the institute, it qualifies its graduates to further their studies of Qiraat to a higher level.


As a measure to expand and disseminate knowledge and practice of memorising Al-Quran, the country through the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Tahfiz Al-Quran Institute organised Public Studies Classes. The organising aims to produce memorisers and practitioners of memorising Al-Quran among the public starting at the age of 10. So far, 2 participants have completed memorising 30 verses of the Quran.


The organising of musabaqah to read and memorise the Quran continuously, and the involvement of the country in musabaqahs to read and memorise the Quran abroad both at the regional and international levels are the measures of the results of Al-Quran education where qaris and qariahs of the country successfully achieved a number of good achievements that make the country famous.


The country also continues to promote the culture of reading the Quran among the people and residents through various learning activities. Among them, the Khatam Al-Quran Incentive Scheme Under the Age of 10 for students of Religious and Arabic Schools launched by the Department of Islamic Studies has a positive impact as one of the mechanisms to produce the ‘Generation of Al-Quran’.


The Quran Recitation Scheme for Teens, which is also conducted by the Department of Islamic Studies, is also one of the country’s efforts in producing potential teenagers in the field of Al-Quran recitation.


The Islamic Studies Institute and private services continue to activate and increase the number of halaqah programmes or incentive programmes to nurture and improve the skills of reading, memorising, and reciting Al-Quran.


The tendency of the community in preserving the practice of reading and reciting Al-Quran, is also practiced through social media to attain ukhrawi and duniawi intercession and the overflow of the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala.


The nation’s attentiveness in elevating Al-Quran performs the religious responsibility properly and at the same time as Al-Quran brings blessings from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. This is so that the country can continue to enjoy peace, prosperity and security.



Source: Radio Television Brunei

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