Launching of Knowledge Convention 2024

?His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam launched two books namely ‘Menyambut Hari Keputeraan Raja dengan Semangat Ilal Hijrah’ or ‘Celebrating the Monarch’s Birthday with the Spirit of Ilal Hijrah,’ and ‘Amalan Penjagaan Kesejahteraan Minda dan Emosi: Buku Panduan Doa dan Zikir’ or ‘Mind and Emotional Wellness Care Practices: Supplication and Zikir Book’. At the same time, His Majesty also officiated the opening of the Knowledge Convention 2024 and its events. This year’s Knowledge Convention is jointly organised by the Prime Minister’s Office; Ministry of Religious Affairs; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Finance and Economy; Ministry of Education; and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. Held in conjunction with His Majesty’s 78th Birthday Celebration, the event takes place at the International Convention Centre in Berakas. Also present were His Majesty’s sons: His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Offi
ce; and His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Malik.

Upon arrival, His Majesty was greeted by Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Indera Setia Diraja Sahibul Karib Pengiran Anak Haji Idris bin Pengiran Maharaja Lela Pengiran Muda Abdul Kahar, Chief of Adat Istiadat Negara as Co-Advisor of the event’s steering committee, Yang Berhormat Co-Chairpersons, and Yang Berhormat Co-Chairpersons of the National Committee for His Majesty’s 78th birthday celebration.

Doa Selamat was read by Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Doctor Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned, State Mufti.

The reading of Surah At-Taubah Verses 38 to 40 was presented by Pengiran Muhd Amirul Aiman bin Pengiran Haji Marjuki.

Meanwhile, its interpretation was read by Awang Abdul Mu’min bin Haji Awang.

In his welcoming address, the Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister of Defence highlighted that the convention’s theme is relevant based on the book ‘World Mental Health Report Transforming Mental Health for All’
, published by the World Health Organization on the need to reflect the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

His Majesty then launched the two books, and subsequently officiated the Knowledge Convention 2024.

In a special talk, the State Mufti stressed that although psychiatric and psychological treatment have long been practised to treat mental illness, other forms of treatment are needed to complement it.

Source: Radio Television Brunei