Ilocos Norte Launches Nutritional Outreach to Combat Child Malnutrition

ILOCOS NORTE – In a significant step towards combating malnutrition, Ilocos Norte has initiated a community outreach program targeting stunted children within the region. On Wednesday, 100 children from the city received nutribun and pasteurized milk as part of a broader initiative by the provincial government, which also includes nutrition counselling for parents, food packs, and kitchen garden kits.

According to Philippines News Agency, head of the Provincial Nutrition Action Office, this outreach is part of a 120-day supplementary feeding program. The program was highlighted during the 50th nutrition month celebration at Laoag Centennial Arena. "These efforts are aligned with our goal to ensure the wellbeing of our children and reduce malnutrition across the province," Irapta said.

The program is supported by a partnership with a local bakery, Bakers PH, which has been assisted by the Department of Science and Technology's Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI) to produce an enhanced version of nutribun. Eldie Domingo, general manager of Bakers PH, noted that these nutribuns come in five different flavors—squash, ube, monggo, chocolate, and yema—to cater to various tastes among children.

DOST-FNRI provided technical support to develop the e-nutribun, which is fortified with essential micronutrients like iron and vitamin A, making it softer and easier for children to consume. Each nutribun provides 504 calories, 17.8 grams of protein, 6.08 milligrams of iron, and 244 micrograms of vitamin A.

Additionally, the program includes pasteurized carabao's milk sourced from the Philippine Carabao Center in Batac City, Ilocos Norte. Each child will receive 200 ml of toned carabao's milk daily throughout the program's duration.

The outreach not only addresses child health but also supports the local dairy and vegetable farming sectors. Irapta shared that the prevalence of stunting in Ilocos Norte has decreased significantly, from 8.9% in 2019 to 4.6% in 2023, indicating the effectiveness of ongoing nutritional efforts.

The provincial government, in collaboration with local government units and the Department of Education, is also distributing kitchen garden kits to promote home gardening among families. This initiative is part of the broader Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition, which aims to enhance the overall nutrition and health of the population.

Governor Matthew Joseph Manotoc called on village nutrition scholars and members of the provincial nutrition action team to assist in collecting accurate data to further improve the nutritional status of the province. "Accurate data is crucial for continuing to refine our strategies and ensure that our children receive the best possible care and nutrition," he stated.