‘Honesty and Trustworthiness in Business’


An honest and trustworthy person will receive rewards they deserve in the Hereafter. In the business world, businessmen will face various trial and challenges, for instance, greed in earning profit through wrong means such as fraud. This was underlined in the Friday Sermon titled ‘Honesty and Trustworthiness in Business.’ The sermon reminded businessmen to conduct business through means that are pleased by Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala.


Businessmen are also advised to always be careful and vigilant in running their business. This is to avoid any act that goes against Syarak and the country’s law such as selling alcohol, stolen and smuggled good and the like. In business, it is a given that all businessmen wants to earn profit, but in earning profit, they must emphasise on honesty and trustworthiness. This is because honesty and trustworthiness are among the reasons for a person to obtain blessings in sustenance.



Source: Radio Television Brunei


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