Do Good and Be Devoted to Parents

Islam calls on the ummah to do good and respect one another regardless of age, status, race or religion, especially to do good and be devoted to parents. As a child, we must place our parents’ status and dignity to the highest and most special position. Verily, a parent’s status and dignity is not elevated by anyone but Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala. This was among the content of yesterday’s Friday Sermon titled ‘Do Good and Be Devoted to Parents’. The Friday Sermon also highlighted that in order to establish relations among people, parents are a priority as they are ‘wasilah’ or means for us to enter the paradise of Allah. Hence, if we do good to our parents and obey command in matters that do not deviate from Islam, Allah will bless us with paradise.


Among the ways to do good to parents include treating them well, speak gently, do not raise our voice or say anything disrespectful to them. Another way is to be attentive to the parent’s condition and situation and care for their welfare. Always supplicate for our parent’s well-being and safety in the world and the Hereafter, and always prioritise our parents in many matters.



Source: Radio Television Brunei


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