Contraband Seized in Joint Operation

A number of contraband were seized in two Law Enforcement Agencies' Joint Operations in the country led by the Royal Customs and Excise Department, 12th July. The first operation targeted several houses in Kampung Menunggol, while the second operation focused on a number of houses in Kampung Bolkiah.

In Kampung Menunggol, enforcement agencies found 2,500 cartons and 23 packs as well as 84 sticks of cigarettes of various brands, 407 cans and 74 bottles of alcoholic drinks; several boxes of fireworks; as well as cash amounting to over 72,200 dollars, over 300 Singapore Dollars and over 2,300 Malaysian Ringgit, all believed to be proceeds from selling contraband. Also seized were 4 boats believed to be used for smuggling activities.

In the second operation at Kampung Bolkiah B, the enforcement agencies also found 4 packs and 22 sticks of cigarettes of various brands as well as 13 cans and a bottle of alcoholic drinks.

From the operation, a 43-year-old Malaysia man, 7 local men between 15 to 33 years old and 2 local women, aged 41 and 42, were apprehended for further investigation. The Malaysian will be investigated under the Immigration Act for entering and staying in the country without a valid passport, while his wife, a local, will be investigated under the same Act for harbouring immigration offender.

Source: Radio Television Brunei