China Criticizes Proposed US Arms Sale to Taiwan as a Threat to Sovereignty

Beijing, China - The Chinese government has expressed strong opposition to a proposed USD 75 million arms sale by the United States to Taiwan, citing concerns over sovereignty and regional stability.

According to Philippines News Agency, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning during a news briefing in Beijing on Thursday, the potential arms sale gravely violates the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqués, particularly the August 17 Communique of 1982.

Mao Ning emphasized that such actions by the US not only undermine China's sovereignty and security interests but also jeopardize the bilateral relations between China and the US, as well as peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The US State Department's approval of the potential sale, which involves an advanced tactical data link system upgrade for Taiwan, has prompted Beijing to call on Washington to adhere strictly to the one-China principle and the agreements outlined in the joint communiqués.

The Chinese spokesperson reiterated China's firm opposition to US arms sales to Taiwan and any military contact with the island. Mao Ning warned that China is prepared to take strong and resolute measures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity in response to the proposed sale.

Further addressing comments made by visiting US lawmakers, who stated that Washington would continue to support Taiwan regardless of future US presidential administrations, Mao Ning condemned any US interference in Taiwan affairs under any pretext. She asserted that Taiwan is an integral part of China's territory and criticized any official interactions between the US and Taiwanese authorities as unacceptable.

Mao Ning urged the United States to recognize the extreme complexity and sensitivity of the Taiwan issue, cease all official contact with Taiwan, and refrain from sending misleading signals to separatist forces advocating for Taiwan's independence.