Actions to Improve Food Delivery


Since the use of ART as the method of detecting positive COVID-19 cases in the country, the Health Advice Line 148 and Talian Darussalam 123 have received a huge number of calls from the public. On average, 7 thousand to 10 thousand calls are received daily from Talian Darussalam 123, in which only about 15 to 20 per cent of calls can be answered. The Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister of Finance and Economy said most of the calls were related to colour coding issues of the BruHealth app, health protocols and food ration-related matters for cases and close contacts. Yang Berhormat also explained about the steps taken by the government in a ‘whole-of government approach’, to address the situation.


To update the BruHealth app which will allow cases or close contacts to make a choice whether they need food rations or not. As of 3rd March, 2022, the Department of Community Development in collaboration with Youth Volunteers have cumulatively delivered food to a total of 35,078 houses to accommodate 180,462 individuals in the four districts. On a daily basis, food rations are delivered to about one thousand houses by volunteers, after the process of updating the list of applicants received from the Ministry of Health. Currently, operations at ration centres are affected due to the increasing number of applicants during this third wave.


Improvement actions have been identified to be implemented and with the cooperation of government agencies, the private sector and volunteers, the delivery of food rations will be able to be expedited. In collaboration with Comquest Sdn Bhd, pre-logged messages will be introduced in Talian Darussalam 123 for frequently asked questions which are frequently received from the public and to also increase the number of staff at Talian Darussalam 123 to receive calls promptly.


The Government will also strive to improve and enhance the dissemination of important information that the public needs to know such as the latest health protocols, food rations and so on, so that the information is easily available and the public no longer wonders.



Source: Radio Television Brunei

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