7th Higher Education Expo

A number of programmes have been arranged for the 7th Higher Education Expo that is organised by the Ministry of Education through the Department of Higher Education such as webinar by education institutions and local associations via online. This includes application procedure of the Higher Education Centralised Admission System HECAS, scholarship offers and new programmes introduced by higher education institutions. Since 5th February, 1,472 people took part in the virtual programmes.


A Special Duties Officer at the Department of Higher Education said the expo was held with the main focus of becoming a One Stop Information Centre for Higher Educations, gathering all post-secondary education institutions, public and private higher education institutions as well as agencies in education sector.


The virtual Higher Education Expo is held until the 11th of February from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. Members of the public who wish to join the expo can register online at the Higher Education Expo at ‘heexpo@moe.gov.bn’.



Source: Radio Television Brunei


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