545 Delta Variant, 159 Omicron Variant

55 active clusters have been detected. Three of them involved business premises or public places namely Staff Hotel Al- Afiah Cluster, Hua Ho Tanjung Bunut Bakery Cluster and Bank Baiduri Headquarters Cluster. The rest are clusters of private residential houses or staff houses. As of 6 February 2022, samples from 704 positive COVID-19 cases that were detected in Brunei Darussalam had undergone gene sequencing testing to identify the variants found in the country.


From the total, 545 samples were confirmed as the Delta variant, meanwhile 159 samples were from the Omicron variant. The Omicron variant cases included 93 import cases and 66 local cases. All the Omicron variant cases detected in Brunei Darussalam only had mild symptoms or were asymptomatic. Currently, there are no Omicron cases in the country in Category 4 or 5 or require oxygen assistance and intensive care. The Omicron variant has also been found to be replacing the Delta variant as the main variant or dominant variant in Brunei Darussalam at this time.


With the country now going through the Third Wave of COVID-19, the trend of the total confirmed cases daily and the number of cases in Categories 4 and 5 when the country was in the Second Wave from August to October 2021 and onwards until yesterday where the number of cases during the Third Wave is expected to increase beyond the total reported during the Second Wave. However, it is also expected that the number of cases in Categories 4 and 5 during the Third Wave will continue to be low and not exceed the number during the previous Second Wave. In this regard, the Minister of Health advised the public not to feel panicked, and should continue to be prepared for the increase in cases of the Omicron variant that has been anticipated.  COVID-19 will be with us, and we have to live with it, together. Additional measures such as new, more stringent restrictions will not have a significant impact on the increase in cases.



Source: Radio Television Brunei


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